This trip is not currently available for online booking. Please call us at 970-423-7031 to discuss options.
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1/2 Day Aerial Adventure in Idaho Springs, Colorado
Minimum age 15 yrs.
Maximum weight 250 lbs.
Just 30 minutes west of Denver
Built into the cliffside with remarkable views of the Continental Divide
6 line course has you flying among the treetops before crossing over Chicago Creek at the end
1/2 Day Rafting trip on Clear Creek
Advanced Class IV
2:15 PM
The paddling on this stretch of whitewater demands good physical condition
This continuous, steep, technical section will keep your paddle moving and your heart thumping as you crash through Class IV rapids such as Phoenix, Nomad, Fall River, and Outer Limits.
Please Note: This Clear Creek rafting trip may be upgraded to the Lower Canyon section of Clear Creek during early and late season.
This trip is not currently available for online booking. Please call us at 970-423-7031 to discuss options.